Keys to Launching a Successful Business

Does the entrepreneurial spirit live in your body? Check out how you can start and grow a successful business, even from home.

Having Flyers Printed For Your Business? Don’t Overlook These Important Features!

21 October 2016
 Categories: Business, Blog

Printing flyers to promote your overall business or specific products and services you offer is an excellent way to gain attention and increase your profit margins. Here are a few features that shouldn't be overlooked when you begin designing the look, feel, and style of your promotional flyers: A Prominent Logo Your logo helps set your business apart from the competition, builds brand recognition among current and potential customers, and gives you the ability to establish yourself as a leader within your industry, so it should always be present in any designs you decide to have printed on your flyers. Read More …

Advice On What To Say At The Funeral Of Someone You Did Not Care For

19 October 2016
 Categories: Business, Blog

While many people view funerals as an opportunity to pay your respects to family members or friends, the reality is that you may occasionally feel obligated to attend the service of someone with whom you didn't see eye to eye. In some cases, the surviving family members will know this; in other cases, they might not be aware of the strained nature of your relationship. Either way, this isn't a time to dig up old wounds by sharing unflattering stories about the person who has passed away. Read More …

Reasons Why Your Business Needs An Anti-Terrorist Security Plan

18 October 2016
 Categories: Business, Blog

If the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the 911 attacks have taught people anything, it is that domestic and international terrorists and bombers are fearless about crossing the U.S. borders and wreaking havoc. While they may target specific buildings, nearby buildings may be caught in the crossfire. This means that not even your own business or building is safe, and you should consider formulating an anti-terrorist security plan. Here are some more compelling reasons for developing this special plan of action. Read More …

What Are Some Eco-Friendly And Humane Ways To Remove Your Unwanted Bees?

17 October 2016
 Categories: Business, Blog

If you take pride in your flower garden each spring, summer, and fall, or if you live on a wooded lot with a number of dead, hollowed trees, you may find that your property is a haven for nesting bees. Even if you wish bees no harm (and are cognizant of several species' recent addition to the endangered species list), you may not want them swarming around you and your family members as you spend time outside. Read More …

4 Affordable, Unique Places To Put Your Antique Mall That Will Help Attract Guests

14 October 2016
 Categories: Business, Blog

As is the case with most businesses, the location of an antique mall will greatly influence how many people come to it -- and how successful the mall is. When choosing a location for an antique mall, there are many factors to take into account. One is the design of the building that the mall is in. If you're starting a new antique mall, here are some affordable places that will add intrigue to the mall and help draw in more customers to your mall. Read More …